Ultimaraton.com fine custom robotic accessories liquid handling robots, screening systems, chemical bioreactors catalyst testing, process development and optimization of chemical pressure syntheses and enclosures for product, person and /or environmental safety , incubators and climate chambers
In this category we offer small to medium sized workstations to automate your processes with microtiterplates or tubes like plate logisitics, sealing, peeling, barcode labeling of microtiterpales, sonification, dissolution, weighting, dispensing, washing, barcodereading or other processes. All of this is done in a reliable and affordable manner.
We encourage you to ask us to automate your labor intensive, repetitive, boring or error prone process! Our workstations can also be custom built using your existing hardware- this can save your budget... please ask us for details.
Robotic workstations for process automation
Workstation for assay plate production
Production of ready to use cell plates from frozen cells
Workstation Peeler / Dispenser / Sealer
Workstation with low cost robot, stacker/incubator, Peeler, ...
Robot Integration for Screening systems
Integration of an articulated industrial robot in existing ...